Near 100 Salmonella Oranienburg infections confirmed in Oklahoma

• Imported onions identified as a food source of fast-growing outbreak in 37 states OKLAHOMA CITY –– The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) last week reported that 98 people in Oklahoma have confirmed Salmonella Oranienburg infections, the second highest number of infections of the 37 states currently impacted by a fastgrowing outbreak. Salmonella infection is a common bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract.
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Flu shot and COVID vaccine safe for co-administration

OKLAHOMA CITY –– The Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) encourages all Oklahomans to get the flu shot as soon as they are able this flu season. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states COVID-19 vaccines may be administered without regard to timing of other vaccines, meaning the flu shot and COVID vaccine can be safely co-administered the same day.