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‘Taking up the middle part of the road’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com Years ago, as elementary students at a tiny country school, our bus driver took us to school in his huge station wagon. That meant we kids got to talk with him for an entire hour –– both ways. Good-natured and chatty, he would entertain us as he drove. True stories, gigantic whoppers, or funny gossip, it was all fair game to that man.
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Steve Bates

Steve (Papa Bates), 64-years old of Norman, Okla., passed away Jan. 20, 2023 succumbing to a 12-year battle with a brain tumor. He fought long and very hard to the end at home with family surrounding. He was born in Hugo, Okla., to Eunice Shannon Bates and WJ Bates on Nov. 4, 1958.