Choctaw County 4-H members showcase talents

Choctaw County 4-H Reporter Choctaw County 4-H members shared their talents in the 2024 County and District Share the Fun competitions. Our county has proven to be home to many gifted and successful youth as they recently portrayed a portion of their uniqueness for others to admire in this 4-H competition. Some of these acts included theater, dance, vocal and instrumental submissions.
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‘Trapped with nowhere to run’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com Enjoy feeling anxious and blue? Concentrate on what is happening in the world now, that’ll do it for you. The impossible price of food and housing. Crooked politics. Illegal drugs. Riots. Disease. Murders. Kids molested. If that is your idea of living the good life, then my friend, you certainly have it made.