New Oklahoma bill combats child sex abuse

OKLAHOMA CITY — HB 3936 was recently signed into law which updates the law with clear and concise language that will help prosecute crimes related to child sexual abuse. The term “child sexual abuse material” more accurately captures the nature of the material and the sexual exploitation of minors and better encompasses multiple media formats such as images, videos, and other digital content.

Two die in Oklahoma prison ‘disturbance’

The following statement is in response to a recent story by The Oklahoman concerning a group disturbance at the Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Center. Contrary to the opinions of certain people, what transpired at Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility on Friday was not a riot; it was a group disturbance.

Calendar of Events...

Happy Belated Birthday to Vickie Roberts (May 14)! Happy Birthday to Ron Springs (May 15), Carliss Harmon (May 18) and Trenton Hall (May 19)! To nominate someone for Iris Garden Club Yard of the Month, call 580.969.8094 or 580.372.5748 with name, address and phone number. Fort Towson Historic Site will have its 200th celebration on Saturday, May 18, beginning at 10 a.m.
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‘To hurting moms and kids everywhere’

Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com One of Andy’s fondest memories is early morning coffee with his mom. Coming in from doing farm chores he would find her pouring for both of them. Then when he went off to college, he would return on the weekends and continue their habit of having coffee together before all the others got out of bed.