Patriot caldron boils into criminals

Not since the War of 1812 has our Capitol seen a mass breach by armed combatants. We only begin to scratch the surface this week of understanding how a mob of white supremacists, waving Confederate flags and incited by the sitting president of the United States, was allowed to occupy and ransack one of our most sacred institutions. Years of norm-breaking, rhetoric and lies appealing to our country’s worst racist and xenophobic instincts brought us to this point, against a backdrop of concrete policy changes that have led to historic degrees of inequality. We hope you’ll join us in the coming weeks and months in investigating the question: Where do we go from here?
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Weather Update

Sunny days and clear nights are in the forecast for the week ahead with high temperatures generally in the 50s; although we may hit 60 on Thursday. The nights will drop into the low- to mid-30s.