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Return to world terrorism...

Much of the political fabric of the Americas, from the lowest level to the nearly-sacred Supreme Court, has become increasingly soiled over the last decade as individuals, both internal and external to the political arena, turn their backs on manners and respect, and instead, launch buckets full of the most vile substance or vitriolic attacks they can find upon those with whom they disagree.

Rep. Humphrey comments on hydro plant

Water has always been a hot topic in District 19, and the Kiamichi River tops the list of rivers to protect. I spoke out against Oklahoma City using the Kiamichi to transport water from Sardis Lake to Oklahoma City. It would appear easier and cheaper to run a water line from Sardis Lake into McGee Lake, which already has existing lines to Oklahoma City. Also, Oklahoma City is planning to dam the Kiamichi River and create a 1,500-acre lake. This would no question affect the river, and the lake would take land off our tax rolls. In short, it would negatively affect our river and we lose money. That is why I ran a bill to protect our river by forcing a study to reveal how much water it would take to maintain the Kiamichi River at a safe level. This bill would require the state to maintain the river to a safe level by not permitting water that would lead to unsafe conditions. I passed the bill through the House, but it was killed in the Senate. We have tried to start this bill back in the Senate, but we have been unsuccessful.
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Weather Update

High temperatures will continue around 90 to 95 degrees for the next five days and the nights will be around 70 to 74. We will have partly sunny days with a 50% chance of thundershowers through Thursday and then the rain chance goes down and it gets hotter for the weekend. We could see temperatures approaching 100 degrees by Sunday and Monday.