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Jobs are the fuel that drive community development...


Jobs have always been the life-blood of communities and towns... large or small.

Better quality jobs and better incomes directly equate to a more vigorous retail environment which churns out millions in tax revenues that are required to build and sustain a vibrant city or town and tons of municipal services.

This is why many communities show consistent growth... while others languish.

Their very future is governed by how they compete and battle for quality jobs.

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The 2023 year Letters to Santa are being made possible by the local businesses below who give back so much to this community. We hope you will show them your appreciation during the Holiday Season, and all year long!

The 2023 year Letters to Santa are being made possible by the local businesses below who give back so much to this community. We hope you will show them your appreciation during the Holiday Season, and all year long! good this year! I would like a real spiderman 4 wheeler with 4 wheel drive, a spiderman bicycle, a hoverboard & kart! I also want a fireman truck and fireman clothes! Please bring my sister everything she wants! I promise to be good for my elves! Love, Brayzen Reynolds Dear Santa, Hi! How are you? I would like some presents.

Today’s Scripture:

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.