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Weather Update

This winter storm in Choctaw County that has been going on for several days has been historic. Weather records go back more than 100 years and we just had the coldest Valentine’s Day ever recorded here with a high temperature of only 28 degrees. Feb. 15 was the coldest ever recorded in Hugo with a low temperature of 5 above and a wind chill factor of 15 below and then the high temperature only reached 18 degrees.

Southeast Oklahoma... Discussions from the Barber Shop...

Last week I visited one on my favorite hangouts, our local barber shop. The barber shop has always been a place of political discussion where many views and opinions are shared. No question, the majority has always been heavily Democrat, yet they have always been tolerant of my Republican stance. It is sad that in the last few years our political discussions have become limited due to the hostility of people on both sides of the political aisle.
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SE Oklahoma Today... Senate Review:

It’s been a busy, yet productive second week of session here at the Capitol. We’ve been working hard in our committees to hear bills ahead of the Feb. 25 committee deadline, and I’m pleased to share that my first bill, Senate Bill 312, was passed out of the Public Safety Committee in a 9-1 vote on Monday. The measure would crack down on those stealing the identity of a child, and it now awaits a hearing in front of the full Senate for further consideration.
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Oklahoma revenues verified...

OKLAHOMA CITY – House Republican leaders issued the following statements on the Board of Equalization’s certification of revenues for the Fiscal Year 2022 appropriated budget: “Vaccines occurring and businesses recovering have the economy and revenues rebounding well enough to replenish reserves, set strong agency budgets and grant tax relief to continue kickstarting Oklahoma’s recovery. Keeping the economy open is continuing to benefit Oklahoma, both for our citizens and now for our state budget.” – House Speaker Charles McCall, R-Atoka.
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to the point

Southeast Oklahoma residents are presently living through the coldest days ever recorded for this time of the year. You know it’s incredibly cold outside when not a single child can be seen outdoors at 11 a.m.