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‘Stomp on the brakes before it’s too late’

Comments to: Have any of you ever seen a time like our world is in lately? Some part or another of our planet has suffered through horrifying events in recent years. Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, enormous tornadoes, lightning ignited fires, devastating floods and droughts.

OMRF discovery reveals ‘flip side’ of sometimes harmful protein

Scientists at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation have stumbled onto a finding that could alter future treatment options for conditions ranging from heart attacks to life-threatening infections. The discovery involves the inner workings of the omentum, a mass of tissue that connects the stomach to other abdominal organs and is critical in the body’s immune response.
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HUGO BUFFALO SENIOR NIGHT 2022! HHS Seniors were honored in Simon Parker Gymnasium Friday night during the Buffaloes final home game of the season. Included are: Kacyn Beard (escorted by Jody Rawls, Karen Wood and her sister Kieran Salyer), Sha’tiya Akins (escorted by Bambi and Demontra Akins), Jamiah Brown (escorted by April Dillworth and Sharod Holt), Kaydrin Scott (escorted by Chris and Hope Scott), Flower Girl Kanzis Jhade Moore, Crown Bearer Christian James, Brinlee Allensworth (escorted by Kim and Jason Allensworth, G’Mariyon Wallace, Zoe Jane Gilmore (escorted by Jake Blakenship and Ashanti Pearl (escorted by Ty McGee and Patricia McGee.) Hugo News Photo / Bobby Hamill