Congressman Lucas from Oklahoma opposes Biden’s new Water ruling... impact on farmers

Cheyenne, OK — Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03) released the following statement after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced a final rule revising the definition of “Waters of the United States”- or WOTUS: “I am extremely discouraged by the EPA’s actions regulating wetlands and waters in a manner inconsistent with the Clean Water Act,” said Congressman Frank Lucas (OK-03). “During this time when increased agriculture production and growth are critical, the rule fails to provide certainty for America’s farmers and ranchers. Furthermore, the Biden Administration’s contradictory rule ensures lengthy litigation surrounding the scope of federal regulatory authority of our nation’s waterways will continue with confusion and regulatory uncertainty. Oklahoma’s farmers, ranchers, and landowners have demonstrated their responsible stewardship of the land for generations, and I will continue to stand with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in opposition to the continued inconsistent interpretation of WOTUS and the Clean Water Act.” In 2015, the Obama Administration’s WOTUS Rule significantly expanded the definition of “waters of the United States” and gave the federal government authority to regulate almost any waters; including streams, ditches, ponds, and creeks.

Absentee ballot applications available for 2023 elections

Voters interested in voting by absentee ballot for any of the elections during the 2023 election year may request absentee ballots now using the State Election Board’s OK Voter Portal at oklahoma. gov/elections/ovp or download and print an application from the State Election Board website at elections. Applications are also available at the Choctaw County Election Board. Signed applications may be hand delivered, emailed, faxed, or mailed to the County Election Board.
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“The only reason a young man should go into coaching is that he just can’t live without it.” (Paul “Bear” Bryant) I have a Master Degree in Behavioral Studies, but there’s no degree, book, video or classes that can prepare or guarantee success as a coach. It’s a life of highs and lows, of being a thankless job, and it can also be a very lonely profession if you internalize too much.