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Coffee Time

Comments to: andybowman839@ We went for our daily walk together that evening, just like always. As we passed a neighbor’s home a few houses down from us, Renie remarked, “Hey, look, they are evidently redoing the flower bed there on the right side of the house.” To which Andy grunted a disinterested, “Why?… where?” Which prompted a rolling of the eyes from said wife, who then pointed and said, “Right THERE –– can’t you tell?” Husband’s response was to look in the general direction she pointed and shrug, “Huh, didn’t notice.” Now, this has been going on for many years.
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Yard of the Month

Yard of the Month for Iris Garden Club for August belongs to Sherry Wolfe on N. Eighth St. Pictured are garden club members Sammye Thacker, Mary Cook, Harolynn Wofford, and Rick and Holley Lowrance. Pictured with Sherre are her grandchildren: Jackson, Halle, Connor and Carsyn. The yard features beautiful landscaping and fall mums and decorations.