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‘Exhaustion is not the time to make heavy decisions’

Comments to: andybowman839@ We had been traveling nonstop for three straight weeks. It had been one different bed after another –– and Renie is simply not someone who deals well with that scenario. Even though the work trip had also afforded us a fun chance to visit some cousins who live in the areas where we had gone, it still meant days of driving for long hours, eating at restaurants and fast-food chains, and attempting to catch a nap while the other one drove.
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Sharla J. Frost releases next installment in ‘Frogville’ trilogy to readers’ delight

• “Frogville, Quest of a Princess” brings adventure and fun for the 8 to 13-year-old crowd, continues the adventures of Lily, the girl turned frog Young readers everywhere are enjoying the second installment of the Frogville trilogy by Author Sharla J. Frost.
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‘Are excuses like hineys?’

Body Coffeetimecolumn. com As a student did you ever use this one? “But, teacher, I promise, my dog ate my homework!” Or telling your mom, “I didn’t think we should, but she made me!” Or just the plain old standby that works every time, “I just forgot, I’m sorry.” Ever had a teacher or your dad look you in the eye and firmly state, “Excuses are like hineys, everybody’s got one.

My favorite holiday

As we are in transition with swimsuits mixed with sweaters, hot dogs or soup decision. In between Halloween and Christmas. Both hold their own merit. Halloween with costumes and trickor- treat and candy or Christmas with holly jolly music playing all the time on radios or in the stores and candy canes.