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Weather Update

It looks like we will see a slowly-improving weather picture throughout the week across Choctaw County. We do have a 60% chance of showers and thunderstorms on Wednesday but that goes down to 40% Thursday and Friday and then look for quite a bit of sunshine for us to enjoy this weekend.
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Retirement celebration

A retirement celebration for Doug McClure will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2 at the First Baptist Church Fellowship Hall, to celebrate 29 years of dedication to First Baptist Church of Hugo and the city of Hugo. Doug is pictured with wife, Beverly.
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Revolutions are messy

There are many sayings about revolutions, but my favorite is simply, “Revolutions are messy.” This seems to sum up the majority of the world’s revolutions, despite who wins or loses. The problem for Americans is that our Revolution was easy compared to most, so we tend to think all revolutions are as easy. If you lined up all the world’s revolutions in order from most radical to least, America would be pretty close to the least radical side.

COVID-19 and nursing homes

COVID-19 is an infectious disease that can lead to respiratory illness. Symptoms include a cough, fever, and shortness of breath. It can be more severe than the flu. People 60 or older as well as people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are more at risk of getting the virus.