Oklahoma News Briefs...

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma Senate has passed HJR1032, a resolution applying for a national convention to propose term limits on Congress with a vote of 31 yeas and 11 nays. The application is officially heading to Congress to be counted towards the 34 state applications required to call a term limits convention.
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Shameful County officials...

the point Publisher Our neighboring county to our east, McCurtain County, has been rocked this week with revelations of what appears to be corruption and death threats comming from a recent meeting of McCurtain County Commissioners. For many years, McCurtain County Gazette Publisher Bruce Willingham, along with his staff and other members of his family have published countless articles that report on official county business and law enforcement activities.

Oklahoma’s income tax

Individual Income Tax The individual income tax is Oklahoma’s largest single revenue source for state government. Oklahoma first levied an income tax in 1915. The top income tax rate has been cut repeatedly since the late 1990s, and most recently was lowered to 4.75% as of 2022. Oklahoma has a graduated income tax, with multiple tax brackets; however, the top rate applies to all taxable income above just $7,200 for an individual or $12,200 for a married couple filing jointly or single head of household. Numerous deductions and credits can reduce state taxable income, including the standard deduction, personal exemption, earned income tax credit, child tax credit, and others.

Pratt & Whitney expanding in OKC

Oklahoma Aerospace continues to expand with big announcement by Pratt & Whitney! OKLAHOMA CITY — According to a recent story in the Daily Oklahoman, Aerospace manufacturer Pratt & Whitney has announced that it will expand its hub of operations in Oklahoma City with a $255-million sustainment center. The center will service aircraft engines including the F-35, C-17, F-22, F-15, F-16, B-52 and E-3 AWACS.