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Middle schoolers read more than 100 books...

SO FAR THIS YEAR, Bailey Cody’s seventh grade English students have read 133 books collectively. “High-interest, relevant novels are critical in motivating my students to read inside and outside of my classroom,” Cody said. “Several ways I am encouraging my students to read is by allowing them to choose what book they read independently and incorporating Book Clubs. In Book Clubs, students choose from several novels, and I group them with students who chose the same novel. I also enjoy changing things up in my classroom; recently, we had a ‘Starbucks Day.’ Students came into class, were served hot chocolate and snacks, and then read all hour in a cozy spot of their choice.”
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BOSWELL VOLUNTEER Fire Department recently came to visit Boswell 2 Head Start students. They spoke to the children about Sparky the fire dog, 911, stop, drop and roll and kitchen safety and how to use a fire extinguisher.
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A Message From the State Conservationist

NRCS staff wrapped up a very successful fiscal year 2020 on September 30. The agency was able to assist and work with Oklahoma farmers and ranchers to obligate more than $39 million of Farm Bill program funds through long-term contracts. These funds will assist farmers and ranchers to address natural resource concerns and apply conservation practices on their land, resulting in improved water quality, water quantity, reduced erosion, and improved wildlife habitat. This shows the importance of private lands conservation to Oklahoma farmers and ranchers and their commitment to address natural resource concerns and make long-lasting improvements on their land. Even with the challenges that they faced during 2020, investing in conservation remained a high priority.

Small Fruit

Weeds compete with crop plants for water, light, space and plant nutrients. Land preparation, cover crops, mulches and other management practices can be used to control many of these weeds. Herbicides are available that can be used effectively in a weed control program; however, no single herbicide controls all weeds. Herbicides should not be depended upon as the only resource for weed control, but should be part of an integrated pest management program.