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‘The opposing thumb guy’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com Take a good look. It’s always there, part of a healthy, whole hand. Hold up your hand and you’ll see it. The one digit that is pointing the opposite of the other four fingers, every time. Oh yeah, you can force it to go along with all the others, but you do have to work at it. Usually, it just naturally sticks out to the side, like “a sore thumb.” It’s always just a little different and obstinately curving away from all the others - but it sure serves a great purpose.
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Hugo candidate introductions...

My name is Michele Frazier. I am the fourth of my parents’ five children, and I grew up in the little country community of Union Grove right outside of Haworth. Growing up in Union Grove was where I learned firsthand the importance of being civic-minded and helping others. My parents and the other adults in this small, tight-knit community modeled what it meant to be neighbors helping neighbors.

Working toward an easier diagnosis, better treatment

• OMRF receives $5.8 million for autoimmune disease research The National Institutes of Health has awarded the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation $5.8 million to work toward easier diagnosis and better treatment options for Sjögren’s disease, an autoimmune condition. In Sjögren’s, immune cells attack moisture-producing glands, causing painful dry eyes and mouth.