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Agribusiness is Choctaw County’s foundation...



Agriculture has always been either No 1. or No. 2 in contributing to Choctaw County’s annual gross national product.

According to the latest Census data, there are 851 farms in Choctaw County taking up more than 337,000 acres. The average size of those 851 farms is just under 400 acres.

Annual sales for these agribusinesses total more than $50 million dollars.

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Get a grip... Here comes 2024!

The beginning of a new year reminds me of the marquee line in the blockbuster movie Forrest Gump, when Forrest said: “My momma always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”’ It’s pretty safe to say that as we stick our toes into the shallow edges of the new year — 2024, we can’t foresee all the twists and turns that lie ahead or how turbulent the waters might ultimately become in the coming year.
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‘Just flappin’ his gums’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com The old man is sitting on his front porch in his favorite rocking chair and talking to his freshly minted 21-year-old grandson –– attempting to encourage him to think things over clearly before deciding. To make decisions for his life based on clear facts, a living God and real love. Instead of impulse, illogical dreams and irrational hopes.
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Oklahoma Watch

We are hopeful that while the national secret agencies battle the bad guys in the shadows, things right here in Choctaw County will just get better and better. We have a number of positive business developments coming our way, and we should be making as many preparations as possible to educate and train a capable workforce that businesses need to function.
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Advanced drone technologies already moving into Oklahoma...

The Oklahoma Aerospace Institute for Research and Education (OAIRE) has partnered with uAvionix to help enable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) drone operations at the new Skyway Range. A provider of avionics solutions and infrastructure services for uncrewed and crewed aircraft, uAvionix will play a key role in developing Skyway Range in Oklahoma, according to OAIRE officials.
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Oklahoma flu shots reported OK...

the point Publisher Likely the most reported subject since 2019 would be either the COVID-19 vaccine and all its possible side effects, or the state of American politics surrounding the 2020 election. It is safe to report that on a daily basis, more and more medical information is being either exposed or evaluated that indicates that the government-mandated vaccine, had some devastating results on many people worldwide, to include both physical and mental health implications, and in many cases...