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‘At least those scars prove you have lived’

Comments to: Remember the story of a certain ornery little 12-year old boy, who showed up at school one morning with an impressive shiner? His black eye was truly a thing of brutal beauty. Upon greeting him, his teacher immediately noticed and asked him in horror, “Who gave you such a terrible black eye?!” His proud response, “Heck, Ma’am, they don’t just go ‘round givin’ these things away.
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THE HUGO AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE held a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday to celebrate the Spirit of ‘76 Ice Cream Truck’s most recent addition –– a second truck. Spirit of ‘76 owners Calett and Clifton Morris purchased a second ice cream truck that can be rented for events, parties and festivals. The addition of the truck will allow the Spirit of ‘76 to run its usual routes every day while the second truck handles all special events so the usual route is never disturbed or interrupted. The second truck isn’t available for rent yet, but the Morrises expect it to be debuted soon. Spirit of ‘76 owners Calett and Clifton Morris cut the ribbon at Tuesday’s ceremony while employees Tamara and Ethan Wickson, Hugo Mayor Ernest McCarty, Hugo Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Kelli Stacy and Hugo Public Schools Superintendent Earl Dalke look on.