Wildlife Dept. announces youth hunts

Applications due by Aug. 13 for private lands youth deer hunts designed for beginning hunters This year 38 youth deer hunters, ages 12-17, who have harvested no more than one deer, have a unique opportunity to participate in one of six deer hunts that will take place on private land in: Cleveland County Dec. 8-9, 2023 Dec. 15-16, 2023 Love/Carter Counties Oct. 21, 2023 (mandatory orientation on Oct. 20, 2023) – ANTLERED ONLY Dec. 9, 2023 (mandatory orientation on Dec. 8, 2023) Love County Dec. 15-16, 2023 Sequoyah County Oct. 20-22, 2023 These hunts provide a win-win for those involved. Landowners are able to better address their deer herd management goals and pass on the hunting tradition to a new generation. New youth hunters and their parents/guardians often struggle with issues of access (where to go) and uncertainty about the quality of the hunt experience, and these hunts provide direct access to areas where the hunter/guardian will have a quality experience that allows them to take their time and not feel pressured or crowded. Additionally, on most of these hunts the landowners or hunt assistants will provide guidance or help on how to process their deer after its harvest. An additional benefit is that antlerless deer taken during these hunts are considered “bonus deer,” the same as other controlled hunts, and do not count towards the hunters annual bag limit, so young hunters could have the opportunity to go again during youth, rifle, or holiday antlerless seasons.

OSDH encourages families to incorporate fruits, vegetables into meals daily

OKLAHOMA CITY –– A new study released, Variations in Fruit, Vegetable, and Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Young Children by State, United States 2021, analyzed data from the 2021 National Survey of Children’s Health and found that many young children between 1 and 5 years of age are not eating fruits and vegetables daily and are regularly drinking sugarsweetened beverages (SSBs).

Tribal election official results announced by Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma

DURANT –– The Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma Election Board announced official results of the 2023 General Election held Saturday, July 8. All election results listed below have been duly certified by the Election Board and will be communicated to the Bureau of Indian Affairs office: District 2 winner: Anthony “Tony” Ward with 544 votes (76.51%).
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‘Idiotic behavior

By Andy and Renie Bowman Comments to: andybowman839@gmail.com Coffeetimecolumn. com Cheating –– taking what you didn’t earn. Yeah, that’s a real self-esteem builder. “I’m not brainy enough or strong enough to do it myself, I have to ‘borrow’ from someone else.”

Texas man injured after motorcycle hits traffic cone

GRANT –– Michael Mitchell, 57 of Arthur City, Texas, is listed in stable condition after wrecking his motorcycle on US 271, three miles south of Grant last Saturday. According to reports from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol, Mitchell was traveling southbound on US 271 when he struck a construction barrel and lost control in the center median.
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Hugo City Manager addresses water tower concerns

According to Hugo City Manager Leah Savage, the north water tower is functional, but not yet at its peak. “The north tower is not yet at its full operations,” Savage said. “We are still in the construction process at the water plant, which also involves our towers. Both north and south towers hold approximately 500,000 gallons, but in the past the north tower was never able to hold water to full capacity. This is what I have stressed that we would like the new tower to do… it’s still in the works.”