Liberal corporations not above their own versions of bullying...

Mark Twain observed that “a lie can travel around the world and back again while the truth is lacing up its boots.” Today, powerful voices seem determined to prove him right. In recent days, prominent members of the media, government, and big business have spread a wildfire of misinformation about a newly passed voting law in Georgia.
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Senate Review...

We’ve finally reached the final committee deadline of this legislative session. It’s been fast and furious, but April 8 was the deadline to hear House bills that were approved in their chamber in our Senate committees. They sent about 400 bills to our chamber, and we approved just over 300 of them. We’ll now turn our focus on hearing these bills on the Senate floor. We must finish this work by April 22.
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Humphrey bill gets 97-zero positive vote!

Senate Bill 3, which was sponsored in the House by State Representative Justin Humphrey, proposes to give law enforcement officers access to telemedicine so they can seek an online professional assessment of individuals who may be going through a mental health crissis. The bill also supports the transfer of the individual to a mental health care center when appropriate.
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Public service...

I’m not sure if it’s something in the water, the coming of Spring, or Presidential politics that is making the natives restless, but we haven’t seen so many citizens in Choctaw County seeking municipal office in quite some time.
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Senate Review...

It’s crazy to think we’ve made it just about halfway through the legislative session. We’ve passed the deadline to advance bills that originated from our chamber, and we’re now back in committees hearing measures that were approved by the House. We’ll continue committee work until April 8, which is the next legislative deadline we must meet.