OK Senate calls for ‘Article V Convention of States’

OKLAHOMA CITY — Sen. Rob Standridge, R-Norman, has won approval from the full Senate for Senate Joint Resolution 23, calling for an Article V Convention of States to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Standridge has advocated for a Convention of States for several years, and worked closely with his friend, the late U.S. Senator, Tom on the issue.
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States begin push-back citing 10th Amendment...

While I will not attempt to don black robe and play jurist with respect to the ruling and governing powers of the current Biden Administration, I am on safe ground to say that many of the current actions being discussed and even passed in our Congress are certain to bring immediate blow back from one or more of the states who are members of our less than “perfect Union.” At the forefront of
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‘Shady deals and that’s good enuff’

Familiar with it? The phrase, “Hey, I know a guy who can...,” usually said to you about the time you have thrown a plumbing wrench clear across the kitchen. Referring to a man you can trust to fix the job you just botched — and do it honestly and perfectly. Someone who has gained the public’s confidence in his expertise. Whoa!! That can be hard to find today in this world of shady deals and “that’s good enuff.”