McGirt rattles eastern Oklahoma...

The unraveling of state power in eastern Oklahoma is fascinating to watch — if you don’t happen to live there. The Supreme Court last year, in a case called McGirt, basically revived a set of historical Native American reservations, which now cover about two million people and the city of Tulsa. McGirt dealt only with “federal criminal law,” and its results in that sphere have been bizarre.
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‘Oh, wow! Y’all have Christmas!’

Ever had a 3-year-old appear on your front porch with dazzled little eyes in a glowing face and pipe up, “Oh, wow! Y’all have Christmas!” I’m sure you have, and we did, too. Our tiny grandson had come visiting us for the holiday, and he was excited. He was blown away by all the colored lights and glittering Christmas decorations that we had outside our house. Such a fond memory.

Battling health regulations to save lives...

For the first nine months of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were no officially approved outpatient treatments for combating the disease. From March 2020, when the virus first emerged in the United States, until that November, when the Food and Drug Administration authorized emergency use of monoclonal antibodies, health authorities advised that the infected do little but quarantine themselves, drink plenty of fluids and rest unless hospitalization was necessary.
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to the point

I think it’s safe to say that the social structure of the Americas has changed significantly over the past few years. The more liberal ideology that we need more love and less crime and its resultant incarceration has been a general trend for almost a decade.

Epidemiologists battle changing strains of COVID virus...

Viruses mutate all the time, including the one, SARS-CoV-2, that’s caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Although most genetic changes are innocuous, some can make the mutant more adept at infecting cells, for example, or evading antibodies. Such “fitter” variants can outcompete other strains, so that they become the predominant source of infections. A succession of more-transmissible variants has emerged over the past year, each harboring a constellation of mutations. The most worrisome so far is the so-called delta variant. It’s become dominant in much of the world since its discovery in India in October 2020, leading to surges in cases and hospitalizations, especially in places where less than half the adult population has been fully immunized.