Letters from our readers... Beware of the Froward Man

The Bible warns us of a particular type of individual. This person has a specific kind of personality that we all should be aware of. These people have become increasingly more influential in our society over the last few years. They have been placed in positions of authority by appointment or election and pose a great threat to our way of life in America. These people are found in positions of leadership in government, churches, communities and in every aspect of society. This type of person is referred to by scripture as a Froward person.

OK AG jumps in to vaccine mandate...

OKLAHOMA CITY — Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor and 11 other state attorneys general filed a new lawsuit asking a federal court to stop the Biden administration’s overreaching “job or jab” COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. The mandate threatens to further burden the healthcare sector and patient well-being in Oklahoma, where a large percentage of nursing homes and other long-term care facilities are already facing worker shortages.
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Reps. Mullin and Cole speak out against Biden’s infrastructure bill

Members of Oklahoma’s congressional delegation spoke out in opposition to President Biden’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill, both before and after its passage last week. In a news release, Congressman Mullin stated, “Only $110 billion of this package will go towards improving actual infrastructure, like roads and bridges, and Oklahoma would only receive a small fraction of that money.

Oklahoma struggles to manage POT!

In June 2016, Oklahoma voters approved State Question #788 by a 57%-43% margin. It legalized the licensing, cultivation, use and possession of marijuana for medicinal purposes. Since the passage, the legislature has been dealing with the far-reaching effects of legal pot in the Sooner state. They set up the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA), a division of the Department of Health. The OMMA oversees patient and business licensing for Oklahoma’s medical marijuana program. As of Aug. 1, there are more than 10,000 business licenses in the state — 8,300 are grow licenses and 2,300 dispensaries. Oklahoma has issued far more grow licenses than any state in the country. According to Mark Woodward some of the growers are associated with organized crime from other countries and they are supplying pot to the east coast. Woodward said those growers will struggle to get their license renewed because they will not be able to reach the 75% resident ownership threshold.
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‘Religion simply does not work’

Religion. Being good enough for God to accept us. Many do turn to religion… trying to always behave and say the perfect things. So that hopefully, their holy God will be obliged to help them handle the fears and horrible problems in life. But down deep, each of us know ourselves well enough to have to admit, “Being perfect all the time –– that just ain’t possible!”