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‘Planners, npers and fpers’

Bowman Comments to: Coffeetimecolumn. com Some of us are Planners. Meticulous and rather ridiculous methodical planners, we spend a lot of time laying out our life like a checkerboard square. We know what we will be doing today, this week, next month and exactly where we plan to be on our checkerboard by the end of the year. We have car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, loss of income insurance, and probably insurance for not having insurance.

Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association supports registration of feral swine control bait

The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) has made an official request to the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF) to register KAPUT Feral Hog Bait for use in Oklahoma. The OCA request letter says, “Feral swine cause millions of dollars of damage to Oklahoma property through their destructive behaviors destroying range, pasture and hay lands.