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Hugo Varsity Cheer is State bound...

Varsity Cheer squad is headed to the State Championships after scoring a 270 at Regionals in Stroud over the weekend. Pictured are: Emma Early, Alexis McLemore, Laney Cox, Brooke Ward, Brooklyn Brook, Keara Nelson, Jacey Taylor, Taleiah Biggers, Ja’Miya Johnson, Kacie Reynolds, Ari’Anna Scallion, Zion Siniga, Ashia Jordan, EJ Spillman, T’real Biggers, Kelsie Lopez (coach), MaKatlynn Sanchez, Jodi Emberson, Gracie Armstrong, Alyssa Gallant (manager), Jenna Skelton.

Possible blast of fall Thursday

Oklahoma Mesonet So we may go through hell (but definitely no high water) to get there, but we are in for a blast of fall come Thursday, which coincidentally is the lesser beginning of fall... astronomical fall (as opposed to the much more superior “Climatological Fall” on Sept. 1... and let me say “meteorological fall” is a falsehood perpetrated by the weather community since climatologists are the ones that track seasonal statistics). This blast of cool air will be a welcome change from the record breaking tem-peratures of the next couple of days.

Nursing home residents need you

The KEDDO Area Agency on Aging Ombudsman Program is looking for special people to visit and advocate for longterm care residents. Most residents just need a friendly face to listen and convey to them that someone cares. An Ombudsman can work to resolve any concerns or problems residents may have within the facility. The Ombudsman Volunteer is a person who cares enough to want to make a difference in the resident’s life and will work with the facility to resolve their concerns. Ombudsman Volunteers are committed to improving and enriching the lives of residents in Nursing Homes, Residential Care and Assisted Living Facilities. An Ombudsman is an advocate for residents. An Ombudsman provides information about how to find a facility and what to do to get quality care. They are trained to resolve problems The goal of the Ombudsman Program is to have Volunteers at each facility in the State to work with the facility and surrounding community. Training in skills such as problem solving and communication, information about regulations, the processes of aging and long-term care facilities is provided by the Ombudsman Program for Volunteers.
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Fort Towson preps for Mexican-American war event...

A Long Walk in the Sun: Mexican-American War Days Fort Towson Historic Site will host “A Long Walk in the Sun: Mexican-American War Days” on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This event will feature an encampment set in the 1846–1848 time period of the Mexican-American War. There will be educational presentations and opportunities to interact with experts in the fields of artillery, military life in the 1840s, early Oklahoma forts, and the Mexican-American War.