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A season for giving...

KIAMICHI TECH-HUGO students hosted a canned food drive in an effort to alleviate hunger during the Christmas season. Students collected more than 2,000 pounds of nonperishable food items. All items were brought to the Hope Chest Resale Shop and will help a new initiative, the Esther Project, that will assist individuals and/or families in need.
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‘The great rescue plan’

OK, so you are not a Miss America, hiding out in blue jeans. And you, sir, will never be the world’s next millionaire, with shoulders wide enough to make you have to slide sideways through the doorway. But you are YOU. And that, my friend, is enough to cause you to throw your skinny shoulders back, hold your balding head high, and march into this world as if you own the joint.

Give the gift of college savings plan this holiday season

State Treasurer Randy McDaniel announced an extra reason Oklahoma families should consider gifting a new Oklahoma 529 College Savings Account (OCSP) to a child this holiday season. New OCSP accounts opened from Dec. 6-20 will receive a $50 bonus when an account is opened with $50 or more and recurring $25 contributions are set up for at least six months.