County man arrested on child pornography charge

HUGO — An area man has been arrested after law-enforcement officials learned that he had more than 100 separate child pornography images or videos on his cell phone. According to a report by Choctaw County Deputy Cody Britt (1204), Clyde Park Crews, III, was booked into the county jail on three felony counts, including: pornography, procure, produce, distribute, possess juvenile pornography; obscene material, publish, distribute, participate; aggravated possession of child pornography.

Commission votes to approve soil health implementation program

The Oklahoma Conservation Commission (OCC) has launched the Soil Health Implementation Program (SHIP), a new initiative to improve soil health across Oklahoma’s agricultural landscapes. Approved unanimously by the Commission on Dec. 12, SHIP aims to provide comprehensive soil conservation solutions in both rural and urban areas The program, led by the OCC’s Soil Health Team, focuses on conservation practices that build land and operation resilience by improving ecosystem health. It combines technical assistance and financial incentives to encourage the adoption of soil health practices among agricultural producers. SHIP offers up to $40,000 over three years to approved applicants aiming to make a significant impact on their soil conservation.


The Nov. 29 article in the Hugo News regarding “Six Paris teens arrested after Hugo house shot up” incorrectly mentioned a stolen firearm from the Paris Police Department. The firearm was actually reported stolen by the Paris Police Department, not from.

Today’s Scripture:

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.