Biden plans... record spending/taxes

President Joe Biden’s budget proposal, which the president released today, calls for the federal government to collect a record $4,638,000,000,000 in taxes in fiscal 2023. At the same time that the federal government is collecting those record taxes, according to Biden’s proposal, it would also spend $5,792,000,000,000 — resulting in a fiscal 2023 deficit of $1,154,000,000,000.
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to the point

The price of death and destruction that Russian President Vladimir Putin and the millions of Russian citizens he leads have been willing to pay... has not yet risen to a point that he has indicated the possibility of concession or failure.

OK Senate Review...

It was a shortened week at the Capitol due to spring break, but we still had heavy agendas on Monday and Tuesday with more than 70 bills on the agenda. We’ll continue to work diligently on the roughly 200 bills still eligible for consideration in our chamber as we approach the March 24 deadline to advance them to the House of Representatives.
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God bless the Ukraine citizens as they battle for freedom...

As nearly 3-million residents and citizens of Ukraine have fled the country and the body count of their brave family members continues to rise at the hands of Russian thug Vladimir Putin, the thoughts and prayers of millions of citizens worldwide continue to be issued for their safety and success in defending their country.