Tens of thousands of Russians flee Putin’s oppression

Vladimir Putin waxed nostalgic for the days of the Soviet Union, and appears poised to deliver Russia back to the heady days of bread lines and forced service. Russians have responded by taking a page out of the old Soviet playbook, too — fleeing across the border. The New York Times reports that the war in Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed as a result have created a large and growing exodus.

Energy prices to get painful?

One of the facts being laid bare by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is that Europe has become highly dependent on Russian oil and natural gas for its economy, largely owing to green energy policies that have shut down coal and nuclear electricity generation in countries like Germany, thereby necessitating the importation of Russian natural gas through pipelines like Nordstream 1 that runs from Russia to Germany via the Baltic Sea.
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to the point

The world scene on this day in history is pretty messy, with Russia attempting an outright takeover of Ukraine. There are always a good number of Americans who are passive by nature, and they fundamentally don’t believe in any type of confrontation. This might be understandable until your life or family gets threatened and then you have a pretty critical decision to make.

Senate Review

The Second Session of the 58th Legislature convened this month, and we’ve been off to the races since the very first day. We modified our processes this year on how we move legislation through the Senate to increase efficiency and transparency, so the first two weeks have been especially busy.