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Senate Review

We’ve officially completed the bulk of committee work for this session after the April 14 deadline to hear measures that originated in the House in our Senate committees, and vice versa, the House completed their work on the bills we have approved. The Joint Committee on Appropriations and Budget will continue to meet throughout the rest of session to vote on budget bills as we work to finalize the Fiscal Year 2023 budget.

Oklahoma Senate nixes House attempt to pad future retirement benefits

Members of the Oklahoma Senate have rejected legislation, advanced from the Oklahoma House of Representatives, that would have padded many legislators’ own retirement benefits. Senators instead amended the bill to strip those provisions and essentially passed entirely new legislation that simply boosts the employer match for state workers’ retirement contributions.

Gender identity battles in Oklahoma schools

While a spokesperson for State Superintendent of Public Instruction Joy Hofmeister says Oklahoma public schools must allow students to use the bathroom of their choice, based on the student’s self-professed gender identity, and cannot restrict bathroom access based on biological gender, Oklahoma Secretary of Education, Ryan Walters, and Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor, are strongly in opposition to Hofmeister’s position.
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to the point

As the U.S. and world markets attempt to recover and return to some degree of normalcy after two years of COVID-19 ravaged most of the world, another global calamity has elbowed its way into our lives in the form of a brutal and deadly war in Ukraine. I can’t help but wonder what the young people of the

Durham investigation reports 60,000 documents and sources to be revealed

From The Washington Examiner: The Justice Department plans to produce a “large volume” of classified materials this week in the Russiagate case against the main source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier… The officials preparing and reviewing the documents at the FBI and intelligence agencies are heavily engaged in matters related to Ukraine. Nevertheless, the government will produce a large volume of classified discovery this week and will continue its efforts to produce documents in classified discovery on a rolling basis, and no later than the proposed deadlines set forth below,” Durham added.