Former Energy Secretary says Biden’s use of SPR is ‘illegal’

The Biden administration’s announcement that it will release 180 million barrels of crude oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve over six months is unlawful and harms our national security. After the 1973 Arab Oil Embargo, Congress passed the 1975 Energy Policy and Conservation Act, creating the SPR to provide reserve supplies of crude oil to counter “severe energy supply disruptions.” Concerns regarding the potential for the federal government to manipulate normal market functions prompted Congress to limit the circumstances when SPR crude oil could be released.
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‘Beware of forcing your mate to compete’

The young man’s bride of a whole six months waltzed dramatically into the den to show off her new outfit. But engrossed in the college football game of his alma mater, he never took his eyes off the screen. Slightly miffed, she moved in front of the TV to force him to notice her. Unfortunately, at the precise second she chose to make her move, his quarterback launched a 30-yard pass that hopefully would tie the game. He let out a frustrated bellow, and certainly not really thinking of consequences, young husband brusquely told her to move aside so he could at least see the replay.