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Are we taking scientific

the point Three weeks without a drop of rainfall in most of Choctaw County have created lots of dry crusty ground and some very difficult forage conditions to everyone in the cattle or livestock industry. These severe drought conditions have sent quality hay prices through the roof and have left many cattle operators, both large and small, wondering where they are going to find/afford hay for the coming winter.

Senate Review

Recently, the Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding approved nine projects to head to the full Legislature for consideration. These projects include funding for mental health, healthcare, water projects, information technology modernization, and infrastructure to help keep our public services running smoothly. I’ll keep you all updated on projects as they are approved in the coming weeks. This was a huge undertaking and it’s great to see so many vital projects head to the next step in the process as we continue our work to get these funds distributed.

Hugo News Letter to the Editor Guidelines...

Dear Editor: I couldn’t agree more with your Editorial “Water Abundant, but costly” with one exception! As you quoted Professor Gary Allison, “Water flows downhill... and towards money,” yes it costs money, but the return far outweighs the cost! The current “migration” of urban DFW is not toward Amarillo, not even San Angelo, nor Houston! Northeastern Texas has discovered southeast Oklahoma, and for good reasons.