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to the point

the Water abundant... but costly point By Stan Stamper Publisher We are very fortunate here in Hugo that there were some hard-fighting citizens living here back in the 40s, 50s, and 60s, who understood how important water would become in future years.
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To the point

the point By Stan Stamper Publisher The Summer of 2022 will be remembered in a lot of different ways by Americans scattered across the 50 states as anyone might anticipate. Many will remember it as a record-setting scorcher, with frequent daily high temperatures above 100 degrees and electric bills that raced gasoline bills pushed skyward by $5 per gallon of gasoline.
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Issues that matter...

Newspaper reporters and editors are occasionally singled out by our readers who have specific things (often confidential) they want to tell us. Those “things” run the gamut from someone stealing money from a public body, to having large silent UFOs hovering around their property.